Lower Howards b

Organized Hikes

Lower Howard’s Creek Nature & Heritage Preserve consists of 441 acres in Clark County, Kentucky. The site was purchased by the Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation Fund and is owned by the Clark County Fiscal Court. The property is home to populations of federally endangered plants, state rare plants and irreplaceable historical and archaeological features.

As a result, a 228-acre tract was dedicated as a state nature preserve in 2001. The primary purposes of the Preserve are to protect rare species, protect and interpret historical/archaeological resources, conduct scientific research, protect and restore natural communities, and foster environmental education.

Kentucky State Nature Preserve rules limit access to the Preserve to guided hikes only. (The only exception is the John Holder Trail.) You may attend one of our scheduled hikes or you can arrange a group hike.

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Scheduled Hikes
Group size for scheduled hikes is limited, so please call the Preserve manager at (859) 806-2466 and leave a message to make reservations. Because this is a Kentucky State Nature Preserve, no dogs are allowed on the hikes. Children are welcome, but must be accompanied by an adult.

Hikers should dress according to the expected weather. The terrain at the Preserve is quite steep and rocky, so please wear appropriate shoes or boots. Shallow creek crossings are a possibility on all hikes and your feet may get wet. Please call the Preserve manager if there is a question about suitability of the weather. It is recommended that you carry water and trail snacks.

Hikes are free to members of the Friends of Lower Howard’s Creek. A $5 donation is suggested for each non-member.

All hikes will start at the Preserve’s main entrance/parking lot at 1945 Athens-Boonesboro Road unless otherwise noted.

Hikes and Programs at Lower Howard’s Creek

  Winter & Spring 2025 Hike List

February 1, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. CREEK'S EDGE HIKE We’ll walk along Lower Howard’s Creek until we reach the old dam. Low water crossings may be required. This hike is moderately strenuous, but there will be rest opportunities, and begins at the Main Entrance (0.7 mile north of Hall's on the River on Athens-Boonesboro Rd.). Call or Text 859- 806-2466 with questions.

February 8, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. LONG HIKE We'll visit various historic sites in the Preserve and take the inner loop on this 3-hour hike where we'll stop at the overlook to take in the views. This hike is strenuous, but there will be rest opportunities, and begins at the Main Entrance (0.7 mile north of Hall's on the River on Athens-Boonesboro Rd.). Call or Text 859- 806-2466 with questions.

February 15, 10 a.m. - noon VALENTINE'S DAY HIKE Spend time with your favorite person, or come by yourself and refresh your soul; either way, we’ll spend time in nature. This hike is moderately strenuous, but there will be rest opportunities, and begins at the Main Entrance (0.7 mile north of Hall's on the River on Athens-Boonesboro Rd.). Call or Text 859- 806-2466 with questions.

March 2, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. LONG HIKE We'll visit various historic sites in the Preserve and take the inner loop on this 3-hour hike where we'll stop at the overlook to take in the views. This hike is strenuous, but there will be rest opportunities, and begins at the Main Entrance (0.7 mile north of Hall's on the River on Athens-Boonesboro Rd.). Call or Text 859- 806-2466 with questions.

March 15, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. SPRING EPHEMERALS HIKE, PART I Join us as we look for early spring wildflowers on our way to the creek. This hike is moderately strenuous, but there will be rest opportunities while looking for various species and begins at the Main Entrance (0.7 mile north of Hall's on the River on Athens-Boonesboro Rd.). Call or Text 859- 806-2466 with questions.

March 29, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. SPRING EPHEMERALS HIKE, PART II Join us as we look for early spring wildflowers on our way to the creek. This hike is moderately strenuous, but there will be rest opportunities while looking for various species and begins at the Main Entrance (0.7 mile north of Hall's on the River on Athens-Boonesboro Rd.). Call or Text 859- 806-2466 with questions.

April 5, 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. WILDFLOWERS ALONG THE JOHN HOLDER TRAIL Join us as we look for early spring wildflowers on our way to the creek. This hike is moderately strenuous, but there will be rest opportunities while looking for various species and begins at the Main Entrance (0.7 mile north of Hall's on the River on Athens-Boonesboro Rd.). Call or Text 859- 806-2466 with questions.

April 19, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. SPRING EPHEMERALS HIKE, PART III Join us as we look for early spring wildflowers on our way to the creek. This hike is moderately strenuous, but there will be rest opportunities while looking for various species and begins at the Main Entrance (0.7 mile north of Hall's on the River on Athens-Boonesboro Rd.). Call or Text 859- 806-2466 with questions.

May 3, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. SALT SPRING TRACE HIKE From Boonesborough, Lower Blue Licks (approximately 45 miles north) was one of the closest salt licks for wild animals, particularly buffalo, to visit for necessary mineral intake. Although known by Native Americans, Europeans first noted the presence of the spring in 1773 and began visiting it 1778 when Boonesborough had run out of salt, an important ingredient in curing meats and flavoring a bland pioneer diet. We'll follow a section of the trace through the preserve, which will require several low-water crossings; please be prepared for wet feet! If water levels are too dangerous to allow for crossing, the hike will be rescheduled for a later date. We'll begin at Hall's on the River Restaurant. Call or Text 859-806-2466 with questions.

May 24, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. CREEK'S EDGE HIKE We’ll walk along Lower Howard’s Creek until we reach the old dam. Low water crossings may be required. This hike is moderately strenuous, but there will be rest opportunities, and begins at the Main Entrance (0.7 mile north of Hall's on the River on Athens-Boonesboro Rd.). Call or Text 859- 806-2466 with questions.





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Lower Howard’s Creek Nature and Heritage Preserve - Clark County Kentucky

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