Lower Howards b

Trail Improvement Project

Lower Howard’s Creek has recently undergone a trail improvement project funded by a Federal Transportation Enhancement (TE) grant. James Miles Construction is the contractor engaged for this work.

The Trail Improvement Project was completed on time and under budget, and completely passed inspection by Local Project Administration officials from Kentucky's Transportation Cabinet. Thanks to Frankie Faulconer, Clark County Financial Officer for steering us through the reimbursement phase of the project; to Lisa Shuster and Jason Hale from CDP Engineers for their guidance through technical and design issues of the project; and especially to James Miles and his fantastic crew of hardworking stone masons who made this project come to life!

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The project started with bush clearing and grubbing and the rebuilding  of several hundred feet of old stone walls along the Salt Springs Trace, which ran from Fort Boonesborough to the Lower Blue Licks. In addition to rebuilding walls and clearing the old road,  several bridge abutments were rebuilt over tributary streams within the Preserve, and the rebuilding of  the original retaining walls leading to the creek ford near our suspension bridge, as well as a new set of steps to access the bridge.


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Lower Howard’s Creek Nature and Heritage Preserve - Clark County Kentucky

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