Lower Howards b

Bush Mill wall finally succumbs to weather and gravity

Everyone who has traveled into the interior of the Preserve remembers the Jonathan Bush Mill ruins.  This testament to the skilled stone masons and millers who built this structure circa 1806 always brought exclamations regarding its size and longevity.  For years the Friends of Lower Howard’s Creek have tried to find funds to stabilize this building after having a historic structures report prepared in 2006 by a team of structural engineers.  Alas, this effort was never realized, and this winter the constant rain and fierce winds finally allowed the forces of gravity to prevail, and the tallest wall of the mill collapsed into the interior of the foundation.

Bush mill 1

South wall of Bush Mill, adjacent to wheel pit 2008

Bush Mill 2

South wall before the collapse

Bush Mill 3

Looking at south wall from north, after collapse

Bush Mill 4

Darryl Thompson 1973, inside mill, south wall behind him

Bus Mill 5

South wall, viewed from south side, 1973

Bush Mill 6

Front of mill, collapsed wall to right

Bush Mill 7

South wall.  Note wheel pit wall to left

Bush Mill 8

Wall appeared to collapse in slow motion; very few stones broken


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Lower Howard’s Creek Nature and Heritage Preserve - Clark County Kentucky

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