Lower Howards b

Dr. William Bliss Crankshaw

By Clare Sipple

It is with great sorrow that we learned of Dr. William Bliss Crankshaw’s death on February 16, 2019.  Bill’s career as a forest ecologist led to travels around the world.  He moved to Winchester from Metamora, Indiana in 2001 to be near his son Ned’s family.  Lucky for me, he moved to the house next door to mine, and he and his wife, Marilyn, soon became our favorite neighbors.  After restoring their house to its former glory, Bill began to volunteer at his church, and I quickly recruited him to volunteer at Lower Howard’s Creek.  Dr. Crankshaw brought such a wealth of knowledge and energy to LHC and we soon had a regular band of volunteers, accompanying him to work on a long list of projects within the boundaries of the Preserve.  From the repair of dry-laid stone fences to the removal of honeysuckle and other exotic plants from the forest, Bill worked cheerfully and energetically to improve LHC.  One of our favorite projects involved searching for historic roads in the wintertime when the foliage is gone, and then clearing these roads to become trails for our visitors.  Bill led hikes for visitors to the Preserve, teaching them about the ecology of the forest, identifying plants, and interpreting the history of the site.  No one could ever guess Bill’s age, because he had the energy and enthusiasm of a child!

Bill Crankshaw

Bill Crankshaw at the preserve

Bill helped archaeologists, cultural historians, stone masons, preservation architects, contractors and graduate students with a number of projects within the Preserve.  He was honored with the Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission’s highest award, the 2012 Volunteer Steward award.  In 2013 he was given the Daughters of the American Revolution’s historic preservation award for his life-long efforts.  We would never have accomplished our preservation goals for the LHC Preserve without his help.

The Preserve has lost a great friend.  We send our condolences to Bill’s wife and extended family, and gratitude for his years of service to others.  Our volunteers and executive committee of the Friends of Lower Howard’s Creek will be working on a suitable memorial for Bill.


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Lower Howard’s Creek Nature and Heritage Preserve - Clark County Kentucky

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